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Other Homechurch Options - 7th Day Pioneer Home Church

Zoom Options for Church Services

You can connect on-line via Zoom with live small group church services that take place on Sabbath and other days

for Bible study.  These are all groups of non-trinitarian Adventists.  There may be other groups out there that Zoom

meetings online, but these are the ones that we are aware of.


Nader Mansour lives in Australia so there may be some time differences from your location.  If you go to his website (1god1body.org) and click on the Upcoming Events button you will see the schedule for Zoom.  He is also associated with the website revelation1412.org .

Here is a link to another non-trinitarian Adventist church with a great preacher Allen Stump.  He is in West Virginia in the USA.  From this website you can click on Live Stream, etc.   https://www.smyrna.org/

Here is a link to another non-trinitarian Adventist organization called Seventh Day Press (USA) that provide on-line church services on Sabbath.  Here is a link to the events schedule:  https://seventhdaypress.org/events-directory/

Here is a calendar of events by Daniel Mesa, another great preacher and teacher (USA).  He does Zoom a lot, but not on a regular schedule.  Click on the calendar and more information will appear.  https://www.revelationwithdaniel.com/events/ 

Here is a Facebook group that is set up specifically to provide church services for people to connect to.  It is called “Connect to Hope Fellowship” (USA). Here is a link to it:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/2420563248229210

Here is a link to join church meetings on Sabbath with evangelist Bill Cave from Indwelling Word Ministries.  The start time is 2:00 PM Eastern Time USA.  https://www.theiwm.org/events

Here is a church that zooms their services every Sabbath at 9:30AM Eastern Time USA.  https://prophecyhope.com/